Paraquat dichloride, commonly referred to as “Paraquat,” is one of the most widely used herbicides in the United States. Although it’s known to be highly toxic, Paraquat is used in many agricultural and commercial settings because it’s a fast-acting, non-selective weed and grass killer.
Recent scientific studies have led many scientists to the conclusion that there is a connection between Paraquat and Parkinson’s Disease, a progressive nervous system disorder that affects movement. More information about Paraquat and the state of scientific knowledge about its link to Parkinson’s can be found in this article on our website.
Numerous companies manufacture this product, including:
The most common brand name of Paraquat in the United States is Gramoxone, which is manufactured by Syngenta. However, there are dozens of other brand names for Paraquat, including Firestorm, Helmquat, and Parazone.
Around the country, plaintiffs who believe they are suffering from Parkinson’s disease due to Paraquat exposure are filing lawsuits against these pesticide manufacturers.
Paraquat is a restricted-use herbicide. This means that only licensed, trained applicators can use it, and it’s not licensed for home use. Most people who are exposed to Paraquat fall within the following categories:
For farmers and agricultural workers, exposure primarily occurs through dermal (skin) exposure or inhalation.
According to the United States Department of Agriculture (“USDA”), 44% of Ohio is considered prime farmland. Ohio’s cropland harvest increased from 10.1 million acres in 2012 to 10.2 million acres in 2017 according to the USDA 2017 Census on Agriculture.
Paraquat is used on many crops grown in Ohio, including:
Ohio ranks seventh nationally in terms of soybean production, with 4.9 million acres planted according to 2020 estimates of the National Agricultural Statistic Service (“NASS”). The highest soybean acreages include Darke, Van Wert, Hardin, Hancock, Seneca, and Madison counties.
However, soybeans are grown throughout the entire state of Ohio. For soybeans, Paraquat is used as a pre-harvest desiccant (drying aid).
Ohio ranks eighth in corn production nationally. Corn consumes 3.5 million acres across 25,000 farms in Ohio, mostly in the western portion of the state.
According to the NASS, rural Drake, Mercer, and Pickaway counties had the largest 2020 corn acreage with, respectively, 137,000, 110,000, and 90,000 acres of corn planted. Nearly all Ohio counties, however, grow corn. Paraquat is used on corn to eliminate grasses and broad-leaved weeds at the post-emergence state.
Ohio harvested 900,000 acres of hay and alfalfa in 2017 according to the 2017 USDA Agricultural Census. The highest acreages were in Greene, Montgomery, Pickaway, Brown, and Preble counties. Hay and alfalfa are, however, planted throughout the entire state.
Paraquat is commonly used on alfalfa when weeds become too large for other herbicides and is considered a rescue treatment to reduce the weed volume canopy over alfalfa seedlings. The herbicide is used on hay to manage Bahiagrass and bermudagrass in hay meadows during the warm season.
Over 530,000 acres of wheat were planted in Ohio in 2020 according to the estimates of the NASS. Lucas, Fulton, Shelby, and Van Wert counties had among the highest acreages, but wheat is cultivated throughout much of the entire state.
Recent studies suggest that applying Paraquat as soon as possible following wheat harvest allows for better coverage and more effective weed control, especially of pigweeds, which compete against warm-season wheat crops.
The U.S. Geological Survey’s National Water-Quality Assessment estimates agricultural pesticide use in the United States, by county, for numerous pesticides. The estimates are based on farm surveys of pesticide use, as well as estimates of agricultural land and harvested crop acres.
We have developed the following map of Ohio based on these pesticide statistics. The map shows, by county, the cumulative median amounts of Paraquat applied between 2013 and 2017. Paraquat use in Ohio has grown significantly since 2013 with the growth of weed resistance to pesticides.
The Ohio counties that had the highest rates of application, over 9,000 kilograms per year, were the following:
The second highest group of counties, with an application rate of 7,000 to 9,000 kg per year, were the following counties:
Nearly 99% of Ohio’s farms are owned by farm families. Many of these families have been regularly exposed to herbicides such as Paraquat. If you or a loved one has Parkinson’s disease and you believe that Paraquat exposure is involved, it may be possible to file a lawsuit to recover financial compensation for all of your damages, including medical costs, lost wages, pain, and suffering, and a decline in your quality of life.
Initially, you should know that there are hurdles to overcome in this type of litigation. You will need to prove causation – that your illness was caused by Paraquat. This is sometimes difficult in cases, as here, where several different manufacturers made the product, or where the disease doesn’t manifest itself for many years and may have other causes.
Contact our firm for help. There are deadlines to file toxic exposure lawsuits, and investigations that must be performed, so the sooner you get started the better. It costs you nothing to get started.
Before establishing Dyer, Garofalo, Mann & Schultz L.P.A., Doug Mann, a top Ohio Injury Attorney served as a bodily injury claims adjuster at a major insurance firm. With over 40+ years of experience, Doug’s background has proven invaluable in securing maximum cash settlements for his clients swiftly. Since leaving the insurance industry, Doug has devoted his entire legal career to assisting injured clients during their times of greatest need.
This page has been written, edited, and reviewed by a team of legal writers following our comprehensive editorial guidelines. This page was approved by Founding Partner, Doug Mann who has more than 20 years of legal experience as a practicing personal injury attorney.
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